For over 20 years, Mr. Wallace has began working with school music programs in the Washington D.C. area. For Fairfax County Public Schools, he has taught percussion classes, percussion sectionals, marching percussion, and percussion ensemble at Madison H.S., McLean H.S., Woodson H.S., Marshall H.S., Robinson H.S., Langley H.S., Longfellow M.S., Kilmer M.S., Cooper M.S., Thoreau M.S., and Franklin Sherman E.S. With Arlington and Alexandria Schools, he has worked at Williamsburg M.S., Yorktown M.S., and George Mason E.S. Early in his career, Mr. Wallace spent a few years running the percussion program at the Landon School in Bethesda. He has taken these groups to various conferences and competitions including The Midwest Clinic, The Music For All National Concert Band Festival, The Music For All National Percussion Festival, and the Virginia Music Educators Conference.